Minimum Academic Requirements:

To be eligible to enroll at Eswatini College of Theology you MUST first meet College Entrance requirements

Students must have a minimum of six passes in the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and must include passes at "C" or better in the English Language and at least four other relevant subjects. Equivalent credentials are required for students applying from countries outside Eswatini

A mature entry consideration is given to students over the age of 30 years (subject to English proficiency evaluation) provided they have been out of Secondary School for a minimum of 5 years

In addition to this please note the other requirements for each qualification


English(Scholastic Aptitude test/College Entrance Exam)


G.S.C.E/ O.Level/ IGCSE/ SGCSE/ Matric or equivalent with 4 Passes including English


G.C.S.E / O.Level/ IGCSE/ SGCSE/ Matric or equivalent with 5 Passes including English

"Biblical Training In Order To Produce Servant Leaders To Fulfil The Great Commission In The Power Of The Holy Spirit"